M.A. Laura Windisch
Studies in Art History, Cultural Studies and Italian Studies at the Universities of Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Rome and Berlin. 2006 bachelor’s degree at the University of Karlsruhe, 2010 master’s degree at the Humboldt University of Berlin. From 04/2008 to 09/2012 Research and teaching assistant for the research project “Requiem – Die römischen Papst- und Kardinalsgrabmäler der Frühen Neuzeit”, Institute of Art History, Humboldt University of Berlin. 09/2011 Summer School Bibliothek Werner Oechslin, Einsiedeln, 10/2011 Summer School Kunsthistorisches Institut (KHI), Florence. Since 03/2012 Associated member of the SNSF Sinergia project “The Interior: Art, Space, and Performance (Early Modern to Postmodern)”, Institute of Art History, University of Bern. Since 11/2012 Research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Art History, Humboldt University of Berlin (chair Prof. Horst Bredekamp).
Ph.D. project, funded by the "Requiem" project, Humboldt
University of Berlin:
“Die Räume der Herrscherin: Höfische Machtentfaltung bei Anna Maria
Luisa de’Medici (1667–1743)”
Supervisors: Prof. Norberto Gramaccini and Prof. Horst Bredekamp