M.A. Nathalie-Josephine von Möllendorff
Studies in Art History and Musicology at the Universities of Berlin and Edinburgh. 2010 Master’s degree (Magister artium) with a thesis entitled “Der Thomas-Altar vom Meister des Bartholomäusaltars. Zur Inszenierung von Erkennen und Erkenntnis als Bildprozess” (supervised by Prof. Eberhard König and Prof. Lars Blunck). Assistant at the Bode Museum Berlin (2006), Gemäldegalerie Berlin (2007; assistant editor: “Fantasie und Handwerk – Cennino Cennini und die Tradition der toskanischen Malerei von Giotto bis Lorenzo Monaco”), and Musée du Louvre, Paris (2008). Since 2007 Freelancer at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Bode Museum, Pergamon Museum, Neues Museum). 2008–2009 Certificate in Management in Museums, Berlin. 2009 Teaching assistant at the Institute of Art History, University of Bern. Since 03/2012 Associated member of the SNSF Sinergia project “The Interior: Art, Space, and Performance (Early Modern to Post Modern)” at the Institute of Art History, University of Bern. Since 09/2013 Research and teaching assistant within the research project “Planvoll”, Institute of Art History, TU Dortmund University.
Ph.D. project:
“Betrachter – Bild
– Vision: Zur Räumlichkeit und ihren realitätsübergreifenden Parametern in der
Kunst des Spätmittelalters”
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Göttler