Principal Investigator: Prof. Christine Göttler
Project Coordinator (2012-2015 / Associated Member): Dr. Tabea Schindler
Interiors for Court Festivals: Prof. Birgitt Borkopp-Restle; M.A. Jonas Leysieffer
The Art of Solitude: Prof. Christine Göttler; M.A. Steffen Zierholz
The Feminine Interior: Prof. Norberto Gramaccini; M.A. Simone Neuhauser
The Stage as Scena Mundi: Prof. Peter W. Marx; M.A. Sascha Förster
Heterotopian Spaces: Prof. Bernd Nicolai; Prof. Wendy Shaw; lic. phil. Lilia Mironov
Anagrammatic Spaces: Prof. Peter J. Schneemann; M.A. Barbara Biedermann
Associated Members: M.A. Sandra Bornemann; Dr. des. Anne Hemkendreis; M.A. Natalie Keppler; M.A. Nathalie-Josephine von Möllendorff; M.A. Dora Sagardoyburu; Dr. Simona Travaglianti; M.A. Laura Windisch