M.A. Sascha Förster

2005–2011 Theatre Studies and Communication Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. 2008 Bachelor’s degree with a thesis titled “Kreatives Verfehlen. Momente des Scheiterns im zeitgenössischen Theater” (supervisors: Prof. Annette Jael Lehmann and Prof. Matthias Warstat). 2011 Master’s degree with a thesis entitled “Versprechungen, Gemeinschaften und Identitäten bei den Thomas-Münzer-Festspielen 1931 in Bad Frankenhausen” (supervisors: Prof. Erika Fischer-Lichte and Prof. Peter W. Marx). 2006–2011 Student assistant at the Theatre Historical Collections of the Institute of Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin (direction: Dr. Dagmar Walach). Since 03/2012 Doctoral candidate within the SNSF Sinergia project "The Interior: Art, Space, and Performance (Early Modern to Postmodern)" at the Institute of Media Culture and Theatre, University of Cologne. Since 2005 Founding member of German performance and theatre collective Dramazone. 2007–2010 Member of the student organisation Margins Out/Incorporated, Freie Universität Berlin (two student conferences and publication Paradiese am Rand). Since 2010 Convenor of the working group “Dramaturgie ohne Drama” of the Dramaturgische Gesellschaft on dramaturgies in theatre without dramatic texts (with Kaja Jakstat and Ann-Christine Simke).


Ph.D. project:
“Projections of History: Zeitgeist and the Scenes of Imagination”

Supervisor: Prof. Peter W. Marx